January 28, 2010

kind thoughts

I have some kindness crushes. You know those amazingly simple every day things that you could be doing right this second but you don't even know it?

I think I mentioned it before, but I'm going through a 20-year-olds midlife crisis (I think). I'm really struggling to find balance and so I decided (after buying 10 books, non of which I have yet read) that instead of focusing on the negative aspects, I want to be a positive influence. Instantly I was driven to fantastically kind folks that are sharing the love.

A beautiful way to remember to seize each day via William Dohman. I love the simplistic nature of the recycled wood, it just seems to be an approachable afterthought of someone rooted in kindness.

image via jennaflee

You know when you stumble across something that you believe could change the world? Kind Over Matter is that site. Dedicated to being the good in the world, their legion of followers dictates just how kind the world can be. These ladies make lovelies for diy drop cards and you do the rest. It inspired me to do something similar this morning to my co-workers and I'm already plotting out my next move. I {heart} random acts of kindness.

Concentrate on yourself. Thoughts become ideas, ideas lead to action. Prep your day with this happy cards from Cleansing Thoughts.



January 25, 2010

Happy Movely! {second} edition

Movely...it's like lovely but with a Monday to start it off.

Lately I've been finding this lovely, randomistic cluster of inspiration through blogs and sites. Today is Movely, so I thought I would kick this {second} edition off with a site I discovered just this morning.

Say hello to Operation Nice. Hello.

Operation Nice give you warm fuzzies. Yum! Now play along with me on this Movely. Comment below and I will comment you back with a compliment!

Happy Movely!



January 21, 2010

{three} things thursday

For the past six months I've been really thinking about my next career move.

Did I tell you that tt's a touchy subject with me? After spending the last seven years of my life and making huge life changing moves dedicated towards a goal, accomplishing it last year was my crowning moment. Now where do I go? Who do I want to be? Can I really be happy here forever?

And then there is always that question, "where do you see yourself in five years"...it came to me yesterday in my work review. But the question wasn't five years, it was next year. Next year - 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days.

But instead of being panicked that I have no idea what my next step will be, I began to wonder - what is that I really want to do.

{three} things thursday: {three} career aspirations

photo via Bakerella

I want to own a cupcake shop. Just cupcakes, nothing else. Well, maybe we'd sell really festive party gifts, play loud music, and hand out free cupcakes on Mondays.

photo via the talented the wedding cabaret

Photographer. I would insist on a fantastic mess of personality shots woven with amazing colors and textures. I would spend days scouting out the perfect locations, drawing stick figure representations, and learning about the person. It could be amazing.

I want to make amazing flower arrangements. Ones that include more than five roses and baby's breath - flowers that are planted locally and arranged with love, care, and inspiration. The shop would be large, heavy wooden tables with buckets full of color. Yum.

A girl can dream - can't she?



January 20, 2010

I have a dream...

Anyone with little ones understands the astonishment and ear to ear grins that they bring on a daily basis. I still remember the first day Aubrey told me her opinion about something, she was two and I couldn't believe that she had gotten big enough to form her own ideas about the world around her. She is super creative (I'm going to start posting her stuff) and has this super stuffed imagination that is fascinating to see work.

This morning she did not disappoint.

Me: Aubrey, let's go! I need to get to work, I have a big meeting this morning.
Aubrey: Mommy, did you know that I had a dream about rainbows (proceeds to walk over by me to tell me the story)
Me: Aubrey, last time - I'm leaving, it is time to go
Aubrey: Where are my shoes?
Me: Aubrey, I can't believe...
Aubrey: that I love you?
Me: Yes, that you love me. Now shoes on, lets go! (I grab her backpack and pull out yesterday's papers and throw them on the coffee table, walk away, then walk back to look at one yellow piece of paper.....)

This beautiful piece of paper says: (did I mention it is mustard yellow paper with red writing, it didn't photograph well)

I have a deam to go on an African safari. Love, Aubrey
And then she drew a picture of a totum pole.

amazing photo via kia ross flickr

Me: Aubrey, you want to go on an African safari?
Aubrey: Yes, I want to see the animals and help people.
Me: You know what?
Aubrey: I love you too.




January 19, 2010

i want to throw a pa-r-ty!

After looking at it should it be pa-rt-y? or p-ar-ty? Whatever, all I know is that I want to throw one after stumbling upon the cutest wedding pieces ever. I'm a bit jealous (okay a lot jealous) of these obviously fascinating people so I decided that {one} I must throw a party and {two} I must have Rifle Paper Co design everything! And maybe {three} it needs to be warmer outside :)

photos via Rifle Paper Co.


January 18, 2010

happy movely

Movely...it's like lovely but with a Monday to start it off. Wouldn't today be a nice day to say random kind things to each other.

Need a pick-me-up or just want to play along? Comment below and I will comment you back with a compliment. Happy Movely!


January 8, 2010

heart it


I was looking for a houseplant and ended up on Etsy laughing at these adorable love-you-much-cards designed by up up creative. I'm in love.


January 2, 2010

twenty seven little ideas


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