I have a dream...
Anyone with little ones understands the astonishment and ear to ear grins that they bring on a daily basis. I still remember the first day Aubrey told me her opinion about something, she was two and I couldn't believe that she had gotten big enough to form her own ideas about the world around her. She is super creative (I'm going to start posting her stuff) and has this super stuffed imagination that is fascinating to see work.
This morning she did not disappoint.
Me: Aubrey, let's go! I need to get to work, I have a big meeting this morning.
Aubrey: Mommy, did you know that I had a dream about rainbows (proceeds to walk over by me to tell me the story)
Me: Aubrey, last time - I'm leaving, it is time to go
Aubrey: Where are my shoes?
Me: Aubrey, I can't believe...
Aubrey: that I love you?
Me: Yes, that you love me. Now shoes on, lets go! (I grab her backpack and pull out yesterday's papers and throw them on the coffee table, walk away, then walk back to look at one yellow piece of paper.....)
This beautiful piece of paper says: (did I mention it is mustard yellow paper with red writing, it didn't photograph well)
I have a deam to go on an African safari. Love, Aubrey
And then she drew a picture of a totum pole.
Me: Aubrey, you want to go on an African safari?
Aubrey: Yes, I want to see the animals and help people.
Me: You know what?
Aubrey: I love you too.
brooke-this is honestly one of the best blogs I have ever read. i could picture the rushing...the frustration...the dream....the love. so amazing. thank you for this!
You are so sweet Nick! Thank you!
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