March 29, 2010

more nebraska smooches

After a nice relaxing weekend (that included knocking a couple of things off of my 2010 to-do list, more to come later) I found myself bright and early this morning with a link to view a friends Etsy store and I fell in love. Cheers to more smooches!

olive robot hat via the fuzzy robot

jute bags with message label via south house boutique

i heart mr. moustache via jos studio

baby leather skull and cross slippers via scandeez

starling a line sundress by emma girl designs

pink felt heart garland by littleseeta

have a good day!



March 17, 2010

green loves!

a green hat for daddy (made by Aubrey)

a pot of gold for mommy (made by Aubrey)

an dreams for a bunch of green balloons for Aubrey :)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!



March 13, 2010

spring makeover

Progress was made this week - I can now see where the 8 small Christmas trees are that we staked into the ground a bit over 4 months ago. Yep, those same Christmas trees that I only had the opportunity to turn on twice before they were suffocated by the wet, cold stuff.

It is officially almost spring. Not today, today it is freezing cold, but I know in my heart it is coming! :) I'm excited about the possibilities of warm breezes and fresh design.

spring flower curtain via MollaSpace
if we lived in a giant old house with a giant lovely tree i would spend hours decorating it just like this kelly oshiro events my be my hero

 my favorite color combo, retro find from Design Sponge {via 2006}

kat in the city via modern twist


aubrey creations

 My husband wearing the newest obsession - headband animals.

Cat in the hat hat.

 the next big creation!

Remember how I said that my five year old is this really creative ball of energy? I wanted to post her latest works of art - all are concepts dreamed up and designed by our little one. Soo cute!



March 2, 2010

march love list (via Operation Nice)

One of my very favoritest blogs is Operation Nice and yesterday the assignment was to create a March Love List.

When I saw it I knew that is exactly what I needed - even with a nice long vacation February the endless snowfall, cold, and crispness of 2010 wore off - so a love list of March is a perfect way to start thinking about what excitement I have to look forward to in the next 31 days! I have to say, I am pretty excited after putting everything down on paper!

love, brooke


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